Activate Continuous Query (PDS)

Enroll practitioners in Continuous Query and stay informed. This service meets the legal and accreditation requirements for querying the Data Bank as long as your practitioners remain enrolled. You are notified within 24 hours when a new, revised, voided, or corrected report is received by the Data Bank.

To Activate Notifications

The Data Bank Administrator may activate Continuous Query notifications by following these steps:

  1. The Data Bank Administrator must sign in to the Data Bank and click Continue.
  2. On the Administrator Options page, click Activate PDS.
  3. Complete the form Activate Proactive Disclosure Service and select preferences.
  4. Click Submit to Data Bank(s).

Once activated and you have enrolled practitioners, you will automatically receive monthly email notifications summarizing Continuous Query activity. The email includes information about:

  • Upcoming enrollment renewals
  • New practitioner enrollments
  • Cancellations
  • Output
  • Report disclosures

In addition, when activating Continuous Query, established agent relationships are automatically maintained. You can modify all preferences during the activation. After all preferences are selected, click Submit to Data Bank(s). See How to Use Continuous Query (PDS) for more information.

Update Preferences
You can also update your Continuous Query preferences after initial activation through Maintain User Accounts or Maintain Agent Information, from the Administrator Options page.