Update Profile Information

Updating your profile information gives you the ability to make changes to your payment, notification, and agent-health care organization relationship preferences. It also gives you the chance to keep important profile information up-to-date, such as a change in your point of contact or the name of your health care organization. Some information can be changed directly online, whereas other information requires that you print, sign, and mail a form to the Data Bank.

To Update Your Profile

Health Care Organization Users
  1. Sign in to the Data Bank and click Continue.
  2. On the Options page click Update User Account to change the user information.


Health Care Organization Data Bank Administrators and Authorized Agent Data Bank Administrators
    1. Sign in to the Data Bank and click Continue

Note: If you are an authorized agent Data Bank Administrator, specify which organization you are acting on behalf of, or whether you are acting on behalf of self, before selecting Continue.

  1. On the Administrator Options page you can update profile information. Click the button to update.
    • Maintain User Accounts allows you to add a new user account, delete a user account, edit information on an existing account, or reset a password.
    • Update Registration Profile allows you to update your health care organization’s information. Some information, such as department name, street address, email address, and points of contact, can be updated directly online. Other changes, such as organization name, ownership of organization, eligibility/statutory authority, primary function of organization, and query options, require you to print, sign, and mail a form to the Data Bank for processing.
    • Activate Proactive Disclosure Service (PDS) allows you to activate the 24/7 querying option through the Proactive Disclosure Service. If you are already using PDS this button will not appear.
    • Proactive Disclosure Service Renewal Options allows you to determine if your PDS subjects will be automatically renewed or manually renewed at the end of the enrollment period.
    • Maintain IQRS Credit Cards allows you to save new credit card information, modify or delete existing credit card information, and assign and unassign users to specific credit cards for query payments.
    • Maintain Agent Information (health care organization only) allows you to create, update, and deactivate an authorized agent relationship online.
    • Maintain Entity Relationship (authorized agent only) allows you to review the health care organizations that are assigned to you and to deactivate a relationship online.
    • Authorize Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) allows you to set up an online checking or savings account from which query fees can be paid. Once an account is established, you can make changes by selecting Modify EFT Account on the EFT Options page.
    • Entity Notification Preferences allows you to change your preferences for receiving report disclosures, notifications, and the Data Bank e-newsletter.