
Registration certifies that your health care organization is eligible to query and/or report to the Data Bank based on the relevant statutes. It also helps the Data Bank maintain the integrity and confidentiality of information, as well as keep in touch with you. You must renew your registration every 2 years in order to continue Data Bank transactions. You cannot report to or query the Data Bank until you have registered and received a Data Bank Identification Number.

Registering for the First Time

If you are registering for the first time, as either an eligible health care organization or an authorized agent, click Register on the home page and follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you are eligible to report or query under the legislation for each Data Bank. See Who Can Access the Data Bank.
  2. Decide if you are registering as a health care organization or an authorized agent and choose the appropriate registration form – Entity Registration Form or Authorized Agent Form.Note: If a health care organization decides to authorize an agent to query and report on its behalf, both the organization and the agent must first be registered separately with the Data Bank.
  3. Complete all fields on the form according to the online instructions.
  4. Complete the onscreen Certification section and click Continue.
  5. Establish your Administrator user account and then click Continue to submit your registration.
  6. Print two copies of your Entity Registration Form. Have your certifying official sign and date the form and mail it to the Data Bank for processing.Note: Make note of your Data Bank Identification number (DBID) and User Id as this information is required once your registration is processed and is needed to sign in to the Data Bank.
  7. When your form has been processed by the Data Bank you will receive an email confirming your registration. You may then immediately begin querying and reporting to the Data Bank with the sign in information on the printed registration form.Note: After your registration as an organization is accepted by the Data Bank, you may assign an authorized agent.

See How to Register Online as an Organization and How to Register Online as an Authorized Agent for more information.

Renewing Your Registration

Why It’s Important

Renewing your registration every 2 years encourages you to periodically review the legal definitions and requirements of eligibility to interact with the Data Bank. Periodic registration renewals also ensure that the confidential information on each organization is accurate and current. If you fail to complete your renewal, your DBID is deactivated and you are unable to use the Data Bank until you have renewed your registration.

How to Get Started

If you are already registered, you can renew your registration from the Data Bank home page.

  1. Sign in as the Data Bank Administrator. Only the administrator can register the health care organization.
  2. Select Renew Registration from the Registration Confirmation page.
  3. Follow the online instructions. For more information see How to Renew Registration or How to Update Profile InformationNote: You don’t have to wait for the renewal period to update your health care organization’s registration profile. You can update your profile at any time.