Manage User IDs and Passwords

Because the information contained in the Data Bank is sensitive, personal, and not accessible to the general public, registered health care organizations must set up and authorize individual users with user IDs and passwords.

Data Bank Administrator

Every registered health care organization identifies a Data Bank Administrator, who performs the administrative tasks of establishing individual user accounts for their organization and resets user passwords for Data Bank access. Organizations can only have one administrator account, but can have an unlimited number of user accounts.

To Create User Accounts

To add or modify a user account the Data Bank Administrator must follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Data Bank as the Data Bank Administrator, and click Continue.
  2. On the Administrator Options page, click Maintain User Account .
  3. On the Maintain User Account page, click Add to create a new user; click Delete to remove a user account; click Reset Password to create a new user password; or click Edit to update user account information such as name, title, or email address.
  4. Click Save to keep the changes


Note: User accounts that are unused for over 3 years will be removed by the system.

Create User IDs and Passwords

When creating or changing user IDs and passwords, follow these requirements and guidelines.

All user IDs must have these characteristics:

  • At least eight characters
  • Only alphanumeric characters
  • Case sensitive
  • Unique for the health care organization user

All passwords must comply with the following requirements:

  • At least eight characters
  • Combination of alphanumeric characters
  • Case sensitive
  • At least one number included
  • No words that are found in the dictionary
  • Not your user ID
  • Not a common Data Bank phrase (e.g., NPDB, HIPDB, Data Bank)
  • Not a simplistic or systematic sequence (e.g., abcd1234)
  • Any of the following characters: !@#$%^&*()<>?. (optional)

Passwords are valid for 90 days, after which you must change your password. The new password must be different from the previous four. You will receive a prompt to change your password 5 days before expiration. After the password expires, you will have an additional 30 day grace period to sign in one time and reset your password.

If you do not reset your password within the 30 day grace period, you can reset your own password through the Password Reset Service if you know your expired password.

Note: If a user does not know their password or is locked out, the Data Bank Administrator can reset the password.

Create and Maintain Authorized Agent User Accounts

To create and maintain Authorized Agent user accounts, the Data Bank Administrator must follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Data Bank as the Data Bank Administrator, and click continue.
  2. On the Administrator Options page, click Maintain User Account.
  3. On the Maintain User Account page, click Add to create a new user; click Delete to remove a user account; click Reset Password to create a new user password; or click Edit to update user account information such as name, title, or email address.
  4. On the Maintain User Account Information page, you can update user privileges by selecting the desired organizations in the Entities Available to Act on Behalf of section and specify whether the agent user can Query only, Report Only, Query & Report, or None.
  5. Click Save to keep the changes.