Submitting a Factually-Sufficient Narrative

Clearly describing the events that led to the reportable action is an extremely important step in submitting a report to the Data Bank. You must describe the action in enough detail so that future queriers have a clear understanding of what the practitioner is alleged to have done and the nature of and reasons for the event that lead to the report action or surrender.

What You Should Include

Generally, summarize the committee or board’s official findings or orders when composing your narrative. Describing the basis for action and the codes selected on the report is helpful. Consider the following when developing your narrative:

  • Use only up to 4,000 characters including spacing and punctuation to describe the action within the narrative field of the Adverse Action Report.
  • Use only statements of facts.
  • Do not include specific proper names or other identifying information for anyone other than the reported practitioner; you may include the name of your attorney.
  • Include a description of the circumstances that lead to taking the action.
  • Include a description of the process used to take the action.

Examples of Factually-Sufficient Narratives

Scenarios for Factually-Sufficient Narratives
Scenarios Factually-Sufficient Narratives
Type of Action: Clinical Privilege ActionAction: Reduction in Privileges (1640)

Basis for Action: Substandard or Inadequate Care (F6)

After review of the physician’s cases, the Peer Review Panel determined that Dr. Doe was not competent to perform laparoscopies. Laparoscopic privileges were revoked. All other privileges were maintained.
Type of Action: Voluntary Surrender of Clinical PrivilegesAction: Voluntary Surrender of Clinical Privileges while under or to avoid investigation relating to Professional conduct or competence (1635)

Basis for Action: Sexual Misconduct (D1), Other Unprofessional Conduct (D8)

A nurse practitioner filed a complaint with her supervisor that the practitioner allegedly made a number of unsolicited sexual advances. An ad hoc committee was formed to investigate her allegations. A few hours before the ad hoc committee was to meet, the practitioner submitted a written resignation to the Chief of Medical Staff.
Type of Action: Licensure ActionAction: Publicly Available Negative Action or Finding, (1189)

Basis for Action: Failure to comply with continuing education or competency requirements (A2), Other Unprofessional Conduct (D8)

Violation of State Code Section 432(b): failure to meet continuing education requirements. By State Code, failure to meet continuing education requirements is considered to be “unprofessional conduct.”
Type of Action: Clinical Privilege ActionAction: Suspension of Clinical Privileges (1630)

Basis for Action: Immediate Threat to health or safety (F1)

Privileges were suspended for 6 months and the physician was placed on probation for 2 years for failing to maintain sterile conditions in the operating room and by neglecting to wash hands between patients.
Type of Action: Voluntary Surrender of LicenseAction: Voluntary Surrender of License (1145)

Basis for Action: Unable to practice safely by reason of alcohol or other substance abuse (F2), Diversion of Controlled Substances (H6)

The Board was investigating this practitioner for allegedly diverting drugs for personal use. To avoid further investigation, the licensee agreed to voluntarily surrender her license. The practitioner has also agreed to the surrender of her right to reapply for a license for a minimum of 2 years.

Other Links You’ll Need

It may be helpful to view the following reporting links: