Continuous Query (PDS)

What does PDS stand for? Continuous query is formerly known as Proactive Disclosure Service (PDS).

24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Continuous Query keeps you informed about the adverse licensure, privileging, Medicare/Medicaid exclusions, civil and criminal convictions, and medical malpractice payments on your enrolled practitioners. By enrolling all practitioners with which you interact, you receive email notifications within 24 hours of a report received by the Data Bank, and you always have access to Data Bank information on enrolled practitioners. Keep in mind that Continuous Query is only for querying on practitioners, not health care organizations.

How to Start

Activate Continuous Query (PDS) from the Administrator Options page and follow the online instructions. Enroll practitioners one at a time or import your entire practitioner database.

Note: For organizations that store and manage practitioner and report data within their own information or credentialing systems, use QRXS to enroll practitioners in Continuous Query.

What Happens Next

Once practitioners are enrolled, you receive a confirmation of enrollment, all current reports (a standard query response), and future notifications of reports during the 12 month service. You will receive notice of new reports within 24 hours of receipt. In addition, you can update or cancel enrollment information for practitioners, as needed.

What does PDS stand for? Continuous query is formerly known as Proactive Disclosure Service (PDS).


Currently, the annual charge is $3.25 for each practitioner, for each Data Bank. Refer to the following example.

Example: Annual Fees per Practitioner
Type of Practitioner NPDB ($) HIPDB ($) Total Cost ($)
Physician 3.25 3.25 6.50
Nurse Practitioner 3.25 3.25 6.50
Podiatrist 3.25 3.25 6.50